Match Maker, Image Comparison Interpretation. 320 pages. A journey through the current state of globalized culture, news, advertisement and entertainment. Publisher: Prototype Editions / ISBN 978-90-8060-125-3 Author: Geert Mul 2005, Co-authors: Henk Oosterling, Jorge Luis Borges (text: The Library of Babel) Redaction: Paul Ouwerkerk, Co-redaction: Nous Faes.
A custom made image analysis algorithm compares daily about 40.000 images of 300 international Television-Channels and pairs ‘similar’ images. The artist then selects pairs of images out of the thousands of pairs of images, which according to the computer make a good visual match. The computer does not ‘understand’ images, it just applies pixel statistics, but humans cant help to attach meaning to correlating events.
Click on the image to order your Match-Maker book, signed by the Artist.
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