Ruhr, European Capital of Culture Installation in Public Space 2010
Geert Mul 2010
Installation at RUHR 2010 European Capital of Culture, Hagen.
300 meters of motorway with 20 animated digital prints using LED light shifting colours.
By simply changing the color of the light, the prints show different images. The led spots replaced the regular street lights over a distance of 300 meters. I specially innovated this medium with LED-spots and digital-prints to work with large and dynamic images in public space.
Team: Wijnand Veneberg (production assistant & graphic desing), Gyz La Riviere (graphic design), Tim van Cromvoirt (intern), Matthias Boeser (light technician)
ʻPreparations for a possible Futureʼ.
Ruhr.2010 European Capital of Culture.
Hagen 23, 24, 25 July 2010
Supported by: Stadt Hagen, Fonds BKVB, Generalkonsulat der Niederlande.