Match-Maker: The Book

Match Maker, Image Comparison Interpretation. 320 pages.  A journey through the current state of globalized culture, news, advertisement and entertainment. Publisher: Prototype Editions / ISBN 978-90-8060-125-3  Author: Geert Mul 2005, Co-authors: Henk Oosterling,  Jorge Luis Borges (text: The Library of Babel) Redaction: Paul Ouwerkerk, Co-redaction: Nous Faes. 

Click on the image to order your Match-Maker book, signed by the Artist.

A custom made image analysis algorithm compares daily about 40.000 images of 300 international Television-Channels and pairs ‘similar’ images. The artist then selects pairs of images out of the thousands of pairs of images, which according to the computer make a good visual match. The computer does not ‘understand’ images, it just applies pixel statistics, but humans cant help to attach meaning to correlating events.


Geert Mul

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