Gardens of Event

Gardens of Event. Exhibition at Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam. 23.11.2024 – 05.01.2025 of Event, by Geert Mul at Galerie Ron Mandos in Amsterdam, explores how subjective, site-, and time-specific experiences of nature can be captured and reimagined in a data-driven culture. The exhibition combines “nature photo/data-graphy” with AI-generated video works, examining the interplay between […]
Reflections on a virtual nature – Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

Reflections on a virtual nature – Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. Reflections in a Virtual Nature- (Queries in Algorithmic Landscapes) Immersive installation, by media artist Geert Mul April 2024 to September 15, 2024 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam In his recent work, Geert Mul (1965) creates virtual landscapes that are often colorful and poetic, but also ask questions […]

WATERSTAAT (Nederlandse tekst onder) WATERSTAAT – Geert Mul 2023 Augmented States of Water: Landmark Artwork & Augmented Reality. Lunet aan de Snel, Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. UNESCO World Heritage According to physics, water exists in three primary states: liquid, solid, and gas. However, Geert Mul raises questions about the cultural states of water. Mul […]
After us, the flood. Kunstwerk Almere. Geert Mul 2023

After us, the flood. Kunstwerk Almere. Geert Mul 2023 Kunstwerk-Almere, Transparent print, glass, programmed Led light. 3.5 x 13 meters Mandelaplein, Almere Central Station. (nederlandse tekst onder) Almere, a city intrinsically linked to water, embodies the essence of a nation shaped by its aquatic origins. It stands as a symbol of post-war hope and […]

HeavenEarthInsideOut HEAVENEARTHINSIDEOUT Rijksmonument De Knoptoren, Sint-Oedenrode. Comissioned Artwork Geert Mul 2021 text below.) Kunststichting Sint-Oedenrode gaf Geert Mul opdracht om vier permanente kunstwerken te realiseren in de Knoptoren te Sint-Oedenrode. De religieuze en culturele geschiedenis van de kerk staat in het nieuwe werk centraal, evenals religie en spirituele beleving in algemenere zin: het verbeelden […]
Natura Morte, Sacred Heart

Life is what you make it. Geert Mul 2024. Video 33 Mins, 2160 × 2160 pixels.A.I. Generative Adversarial Network. Square screen 7cm x 7cm. ‘Life is what you make it’ is a miniature video measuring 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm, with a duration of 33 minutes, playing in an endless loop. It was created using […]

GESCHIEDENISJES Geschiedenisjes. Geert Mul 2019 De 14 vensters van het trappenhuis van de toren bevatten nu gelamineerd voorzetglas. De afbeeldingen in het glas zijn ontleend aan momenten uit de lange geschiedenis van de kerk. De afbeeldingen verwijzen naar verhalen uit de lange en roerige geschiedenis van de 15e-eeuwse toren, maar zijn raadselachtig zonder voor- of […]

BREAKING DAWN FOREVER Lightbox 203cm x230cm. Print on crystal glass. Dimensions: 203cm x 230cm. Collectie Kröller-Müller Museum Breaking Dawn Forever is a monumental lightbox featuring a depiction of a 500-year-old solitary oak tree. Through the gradual shift in color temperature and intensity of the backlight, the image undergoes a subtle evolution, transitioning from the […]
Queries in Algorithmic Landscapes

Queries in Algorithmic Landscapes Queries in algorithmic landscapes. Immersive Installation, 2021 In the immersive installation “Queries in Algorithmic Landscapes,” Mul delves into the concepts of self (I) and ‘The Other’ within the realm of technological media. The artwork incorporates audio excerpts from Hollywood movie dialogues that pose existential questions such as ‘Who are you?’ […]

NATUREALLY NATUREALLY 250cm x 250cm x18cm. Transparent sublimation-print, laminated glass. Led-backlight changing colours in a 90-minute sequence. Courtesy Gallery Ron Mandos Amsterdam. English: NATUREALLY. In contrast to everyday language, poetry is a form of language in which no illusions are created. Everyday language creates illusions by making the language disappear behind the statement. But […]