
“ The purpose of art is to impart the sensation of things as they are perceived and not as they are known. The technique of art is to make objects ‘unfamiliar,’ to make forms difficult to increase the difficulty and length of perception because the process of perception is an aesthetic end in itself and must be prolonged.”  

(Viktor Shklovsky in his essay “Art as Technique”, 1917)

Geert Mul_Biography / CV

Geert Mul has been exploring for over 25 years the possibilities of a poetry in the language of new media. This resulted in a flow of experimental artworks in a wide range of media: prints, light-objects, video and interactive/generative computer installations. The interrelationship between technology and perception is a leitmotiv in the oeuvre of Geert Mul. Mul’s practice engages the broader public through commissioned artworks in public space.

Geert Mul (1965) studied art from 1985 -1990 at the HKA Arnhem where he graduated with computer animations, video and kinetic sculptures. After his studies, he traveled in Mexico, the United States and Asia. He resided for one year in Tokyo. Since 1993 Mul lives and works in Rotterdam, Holland. In the mid-1990s, Mul became one of the first VJ’s, in the alternative Techno scene. These events grew into interactive audio-visual environments, commissioned artworks and installations which were exhibited in a variety of contexts: public space, museums and festivals. Mul exhibited in major musea in The Netherlands (Kröller-Müller Museum, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) and internationally (National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto Japan, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia Madrid, Institute Valencia Arte Moderne, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago)

Geert Mul is represented by gallery Ron Mandos, Amsterdam. 


Lives and works in Rotterdam, Holland.


Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, NL

Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, NL

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, NL

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Schiedam, NL

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

Kunstcollectie Menzis / Menzis Art Collection

Collection Citizen M Hotels

KRC Collection / Collection Rattan Chadha

Collection Jeroen Princen

Collection of Hugo and Carla Brown, Cobra to Contemporary, The Hague, NL

Collection Antoinde de Galbert

IVAM, Valencia, ES


2016 Art in Public Space: Special Jury Award – Lenticular Cloud. Deloitte Building Amsterdam

2015 International FIAT/IFTA Award ism Beeld en Geluid Hilversum: Most innovative use of Archive.

2011 Best Practice Award Virtual Platform Holland.

2011 Share Prize Museum of Science Turin Italy.

2010 Witteveen+Bos Art & Technology Award.

1995 Rotterdam Art Award.


1993 – present Media artist, artistic research, commissioned art public space.

2009 – present Parttime professor at Gerrit Rietveld Academy, DOGTIME, Amsterdam.

2008 Co-founder Baltan Media Laboratories, Eindhoven.

2004 – 2012 Creative board Showroom MAMA,Rotterdam.

2002 Jury – Prix de Rome –  Rijksacademie Amsterdam.

1994 – 2000 VJ Cut-Up.

Selected Exhibitions

2020 Kröller-Müller Museum: Staging Silence.

2020 Het HEM, Amsterdam Chapter 3HREE  gastcurator: Maarten Spruyt

2018 EYE Film Museum / Amsterdam Light Festival – Projection mapping. Databased Dialogues, 2018

2017 The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale. Then And Now 1993 (web-adaption 2017)

2017 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo Japan, CommandN 20th Anniversary, video works.

2017 Dortmunder-U, Dortmund Germany. Solo. Geert Mul, Matchmaker 25 years of media-art.

2016 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. Solo. Geert Mul, Matchmaker 25 years of media-art.

2015 Beirut Libanon; Metro al Madina & Yunkunkun club, Global week for Syria,

Big Data Poetry. Audio Visual performance with Michel Banabila.

2015 Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision. Hilversum, collaboration. “Ander Nieuws” Disclosing the database of Dutch broadcasted news (1953 -2014) interactive installation.

2014 Logan symposium Barbican center, London. Big Data Poetry, with Michel Banabila.

2014 Stuk Kunstencentrum, Leuven Belgie PLEISTO-SCENE ARTEFACT Installation in public space.

2013 Strarta art Fair at Saatchi Gallery London. Interactive Installation SHAN SHUI.

2013 Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam at Trouw Big Data Poetry, with Michel Banabila.

2013 Stedelijk Museum Zwolle ‘Beeld van een Stad’ (group) God’s Browser 

2013 Tschumi Pavillion Groningen. (solo) Pleisto-Scene: Installation with prints and led-light.

2013 Raw China Expo Art Rotterdam. (group) Interactive Installation SHAN SHUI. Curator Piet de Jonge.

2012 GLOW Forum of Light and Architecture, (group)

Interactive installation commissioned by Beeld en Geluid Hilversum

2012 Museum of The Image, Breda, The Image in the 21st Century (group) MatchMovie

2012 Wood Street Galleries in Pittsburgh U.S.A. (group) HORIZONS Interactive installation.

2011 Gallery Ron Mandos Amsterdam. (solo) Gods Browser and other works.

2011 Share Prize nomination Museum of Science Turin Italy. (group)

God’s Browser Interactive Installation, non-deterministic browser based on image analyses.

2011 International Public Art Manifestation 2011, Ankara Turkey. (group)

Museum of Symbolic Debris. Twenty light-boxes in public space of Ankara.  

2010 Witteveen + Bos Art & Technology, oeuvre award + exhibition (solo) Coincidence is never arbitrary. 

2010   Gerrit Rietveld Busstop Eindhoven. i.c.w.Maurer United Architects (solo)

The Stijl vs RGB. Installation with LED light

2010 Ruhr European Capital of Culture 2010. Hagen Germany (solo)

“Preparation for a possible future”  Installation with 20 LED lights & 20 prints on 300 meters highway.

2009 Echolocation 21rozendaal, Enschede (solo) Interactive installation

2008 HORIZONS Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam (solo) Interactive installation

2008 Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ‘Deep Screen” (group) SNX4 Video installation

2006 I.V.A.M. Institute Valencia Arte Moderne. Valencia Spain (solo)

Local Squares, Global Stars, interactive installation

2005 3rtd Triennale-Chengdu 2005, Museum of Modern Art, Chengdu, China (group) Tiles and Drawings

2005 National Gallery of Modern Art & Dutch Embassy, 11th Triennale India New Delhi, India (solo)

The Order Of Things, Generative installation.

2005 Museum Vlakhof Nijmegen (group) Tiles and Drawings, generative installation

Selected Permanent Commissioned Works

2019 Knoptoren, st Oedenrode, Glass works and video installation

2016 MST hospital Enschede: NATUREALLY

2015 Deloitte Headoffice Amsterdam: Lenticular Cloud

2014 Voorburg, Marianne viaduct: Exponential View

GALLERY presentations

2020 Galerie Ron Mandos Art Rotterdam

2018 Galerie Ron Mandos Art Rotterdam

2014  Galerie Ron Mandos Amsterdam: Shan Shui Interactive installation

2011 Galerie Ron Mandos Amsterdam. Installations.

2008 Galerie Ron Mandos Amsterdam: reflections & perspectives

2008 Galerie Ron Mandos FIAC Paris, Parijs (FR)

2006 Galerie Ron Mandos DIVA video art fair, New York (USA)

ARCO, Madrid My Name is Art Gallery, Madrid (ES)

2005 Galerie Ron Mandos Art Forum Berlin, Berlijn (DE)

2004 Galerie Ron Mandos FIAC Paris, Parijs (FR)

Short Movies single screen presentations

2010 ‘Vocal Void’ i.c.w. Michel Banabila at International Film Festival Rotterdam 

2008 ‘Look at Us’ The Galerie Art & Essai of Rennes (FR)

2006 ‘Match Maker’ Norwegian Short Film Festival (Norway)

2004 ‘Portraits of Warsaw’ Film by the sea festival, Scheveningen (NL)

Stage Arts:

2015 Beirut, Libanon. Global Week For Syria. Geert Mul & Michel Banabila  “Big Data Poetry”

2014 BARBICAN CENTRE, LONDON Geert Mul & Michel Banabila “Big Data Poetry”

2013 RED EAR FESTIVAL Rotterdam. Geert Mul & Michel Banabila “Cloud of Identity”

2012 TENT Rotterdam Audio-visual life performance. Geert Mul & Michel Banabila “Cloud of Identity”

2010 Harbour NDSM Amsterdam Live audio & Video Geert Mul & Michel Banabila

2005 Soweto & Grahamstown, South Africa, Video design and live mix : Vuka! Vuka ! Het waterhuis.


2018 LIMA Symposium Future Proof, Amsterdam

2018 The Sensory Moving Image Archive (SEMIA). EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam

2017 Datafied Society, Imaging Data Visualisation Utrecht.

2016 LIMA Symposium Future Proof, Media Art Preservation, Amsterdam

2015 Symposium Photography Research in the Digital Age, Paradiso Amsterdam

2015 Info-mania, de waan van de data, Prodentfabriek, Amersfoort.

2015 Academy for Information & Management: Creative Mediation in a Databased Culture. Amsterdam 2015 Studium Generale Willem de Koning Academie: Copy / Paste, Rotterdam, Holland

2014 Dutch Electronic Art Festival SEMINAR: programmable Behavior, Rotterdam Holland

2014 Media / Technology and Public Space, Oslo Norway

2014 International Conference: Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey.

2014 Overgaden lectures: Art + Science – Towards a Third Culture, Copenhagen Denmark

2013 Gerrit Rietveld academie Amsterdam: Browser Based: Artistic Big Data.

2013 National day of science Holland, Van Nelle Fabriek Rotterdam: Artistic Big Data.

2013 University of Leiden dep. Media-technology: Databased Perception.

2012 Gerrit Rietveld academie Amsterdam LAPS: advantages and disadvantages of a doctorate in art.

2013 University of Maastricht, Studium Generale: Generation 2.0 Art, Design and Media.

2011 STRP Festival Eindhoven: Interactive Design.

2011 Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven: De Stijl vs RGB, ism Baltan Laboratories.

2010 SKOR, Amsterdam A wedge between private and public public space and interactivity. 

2010 BKKC, Tilburg: From LED screen to Media facade.

2010 The Hague University of Applied Sciences: Stereotyping and Visual Communication, 

2009 PRUFROK The Hague, Light in interdisciplinair arts

2008HKU, Faculty interaction design ‘Creativity Through Research’

2007   PICNIC Amsterdam. “Interactive Design”

2006 Grimstad Norway Short Film Festival  “Grasping Structure”

2006  Kunst, Context en Realiteit Hotel New York

2006   Visual Sensations, Paradiso / Monte Video Amsterdam

Software Research & Development:

2014 The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision “Ander Nieuws”

2012 REALIA  Images analyses  (programmed by Carlo Prelz)

2010 God’s Brower Images analyses (programmed by Carlo Prelz)

2009 Baltan_Tracker (Motion tracking software)

Interviews / Publications:

2015 We moeten eens koffie drinken: Auteur(s) : Koen van Vliet, Jozien Wijkhuijs ISBN: 9789463010078

2013 De Vindmachine: Drs. J. A. (Jos) Baijens Het beste idee van 2013. ISBN. 978907905109

A Blueprint for a Lab of the future. (Baltan Laboratories 2011 ISBN 978-90-815830-0-8)

Dutch Heights Award winning Dutch Artists 2011 (ISBN 978-94-90529-03-1)

Exploring New Information Cultures 2011 (ISBN 978-90-78088-55-4)

Dutch Eyes, New history of Dutch photography Nederland Waanders uitgevers,Zwolle2007

Still Moving, Contemporary Photography, Film and Video from the Netherlands  The National 

Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto 2000


– Geert Mul: Witteveen+Bos-prijs voor Kunst+Techniek. Deventer 2010

– Geert Mul: Local squares, Global Stars Institut Valencia d’art Modern Valencia 2006

– Geert Mul: Match Maker Prototype Editions Delft 2005

Geert Mul

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